Monday, March 7, 2011

January/February Update!

I apologize that it has been awhile since the last update. A lot of things have happened since December!

School at both GMH and GR are still going well. In early February, GR had their school ball, called Ples. Ples is a celebration similar to Prom for the graduating class, teachers and alumni of the school. I LOVED spending the evening dancing talking and with my students to celebrate the next step in their lives! I give myself five points for not crying.

Throughout the school year, one of my main focuses has been to build relationships with my colleagues at R.. During the first weekend in March, I will attend a “teacher’s only” school trip. According to the roommate list, I will be staying with my favorite colleague. We’ll call her S. Last year the previous American teacher at our school was able to share the gospel with S but S did not make a decision. Please pray that God will lead S and I to speak about him.
Traditional student-teacher dance at Ples.

English Club:
Our English film club (Kava/Kino) is continuing to go well! Café Coze has had some problems so we have changed Café Coze into a philosophy discussion club with a different topic each month. The topic this month was Evil and where it comes from. The turnout was just short of AMAZING! God truly answered our prayers! Not only did our discussion run over by an hour but the stu dents turned the conversation toward faith and we were able to share the core beliefs of Christianity!!! AMEN!!

Youth Praha:
God continues to bless my time with Youth Praha! Recently, a non-Christian student from one of my classes at R attended Youth Praha! Let’s call her J. At Youth Praha, J and I we were able to have a conversation about faith. Since then J and I have been building a true friendship. We are praying that God will continue to move in J’s life.

A HUGE thank-you to everyone who has been praying for me and given financial gifts! God has awesomely raised $8295.50!!! However, I still need to raise $3704.50 in order to reach my full budget of $12,000 before the end of the school year.
I really need your help. To join my support team or add to my support visit the TeachOverseas website: and click on the contribute link under the “about us” section. You can give using a credit card, paypal or sign up for monthly contributions. In the “contribute” section choose “teacher or staff member” and enter my name. You can also mail checks made payable to “TeachOverseas” with my name and account number (210064) on the memo line to:

639 N Soldano Ave
Azusa, CA 91702.

Prayer Requests:
- Praise God that the changes in Café Coze have been fruitful!
- Praise God that new students have come to Youth Praha
- Please pray that more spiritual conversations will happen as fruit from English club
- Please pray that God will provide me with the support I need in both prayer and funding
- Please pray for more spiritual conversations with colleagues
- Please pray that I can continue to build relationships with my students both at school and English Club
- Please pray that I will continue to build deep relationships with the kids at Youth Praha
- Please pray that more Czech students will accept invitations to Youth Praha
- Please pray for the safety of my colleagues and I as we attend the teacher trip on March 4-6th
- Please pray that S and I will have a spiritual conversation during the teacher trip

Thank you for all of your support!!