Saturday, December 18, 2010

December Update

Pohdu a pokoj o Vánocich, z Česká Republika!

Translation: Comfort and peace at Christmas, from the Czech Republic!

My Schools:
Things at both Gymnazium Milady Horakove and Gymnazium Radotin are still going well. On December 16 the students at Gymnazium Milady Horakove had their annual Christmas program. The program was very much like the type of program one would see at an American school….just all in Czech. The students were dressed in their best Christmas sweaters and sang many songs. Sitting in the pew watching them, I felt like a proud mother….or something like that. It’s only been four months, but I have to say, I absolutely love my students.

My Ministry:
The two English clubs (Café Coze and Kava/Kino) are going well. Each week we have about ten students from four different Gymnaziums. Still, two of my students have visited, but two students are better than no students, right? During one Kava/Kino (movie club) we watched the film “Little Miss Sunshine.” During the discussions the students have been becoming more and more comfortable with one another. Please pray that this comfort will lead to deeper conversations about faith.

Things with Youth Praha have also been going well. This past Friday a Czech student, we’ll call her E, from Radotin came to Youth Praha with the two Christian girls that go to that school. I am unsure if E is a Christian or not but she seemed to really enjoy the worship and Christmas testimony portion of the evening. We are praying that we will see E again.

I was also able to have a spiritual conversation with one of my colleagues at Radotin, we’ll call him RNB. One morning RNB asked me for help with his lesson. I just told him t0 pick something that will make the students think, mentioning my conversation about evolution with the two Christian girls from our school at the mall one day. His response: “Oh, those girls they’re those crazy Christian ones. They’re new at this religion thing, they’ll grow out of it. I was Christian but I grew out of it.” Before I could stop myself I said “I have to be honest with you. I’ve been a Christian since I was in 7th grade and I have yet to grow out of it and I have no intention of growing out of it.” For the next few fifteen minutes he asked me questions about God’s character. At the end of the conversation he said: “You know…I like your kind of Christian, you’re like the normal kind. You know? If I have more questions, I’ll ask you.” (YAY!!!)

My Support:
A BIG thank-you to everyone who have been praying for me, to those of you who have become monthly supporters or have given special one-time gifts. As of right now, God has raised $7770.50!!! However, I still need to raise $4229.50 in order to reach my full budget of $12,000 before the end of February.
I still need your help. To join my support team or add to my support please visit the TeachOverseas website: and click on the contribute link under the “about us” section. You can give using a credit card, paypal or sign up for monthly contributions. In the “contribute” section choose “teacher or staff member” and enter my name.

My Prayer Requests:
- Praise God that the students from different schools at English club are building relationships with one another
- Praise God that new students have come to Youth Praha
- Please pray that God will provide me with the support I need in both prayer and funding
- Please pray that I will receive guidance in serving my students well
- Please pray for more spiritual conversations with colleagues
- Please pray that I can continue to build relationships with my students both at school and English Club
- Please pray that I will continue to build deep relationships with the kids at Youth Praha
- Please pray that more Czech students will accept invitations to Youth Praha
- Please pray for the safety of my colleagues and I as I travel to spend Christmas with other ESI teachers in Budapest

Monday, December 6, 2010

Important, life lessons that I have learned from my students:

1) $h!t is the technical term for the stuff inside a pumpkin.

"Has anyone ever made a Jack-o-Lantern?"
"Yes, you cut open the top of the pumpkin and there is a bunch of $h!it inside that you have to take out, then you put a face on it."

2) All of the good looking men come from Croatia.

"Do you have a boyfriend."
"Not at the moment."
"Well, then you should go to Croatia. That is where all sexy of the men are from."

3) Never date Italian men.

In reaction to the joke: “Heaven is where the police are British, the cooks are French, the mechanics are German, the lovers are Italian and it is all organised by the Swiss. Hell is where the police are German, the cooks are English, the mechanics are French, the lovers are Swiss, and it is all organised by the Italians”.

"Does anyone have a comment about the joke? Do you think it is funny? Is it true?"

4) Cheating is the fastest way to become Lord Sith.

"What is my rule about cheating?"
"Cheating is bad. Cheating is the way to the dark side. If you are cheating your lightsaber will turn red and you become Lord Sith."

5) Harry Potter is ALWAYS relevant.

"Can anyone give me an example of a formal statement"
"Dear Mr. Potter, We are pleased to inform you that you have passed your Defense Against the Dark Arts exam."

6) The great outdoors is not called "nature" it is called "the nature."

"What are some typical Czech hobbies?"
"Well, most Czech families love to go mushrooming outside in the nature."

7) You are NOT supposed to eat vegetables.

During our "food pyramid" lesson:
"What are peas?"
"They're little green circle vegetables."
"GROSS! You are NOT supposed go eat vegetables. All vegetables are discusting, especially peas. Peas are little green yucks. You'll die if you eat too many of those."

Saturday, December 4, 2010

It's A LIE, Santa DOES NOT live in the North Pole.

I'm afraid I have some news. It maybe good or bad, take it as you will.

Ladies and Gentelmen, I would like to announce that you have been lied to: Sant does not live in the North Pole; Santa actually lives in Prague. I have come up with four reasons Santa actually lives in Prague:

If you haven't seen the classic "rudolph the red nosed reindeer" movie you might be confused...stay with me here....if you must, go watch the film first

1) There is a Christmas Tree forest in every square
There are Christmas trees EVERYWHERE! INSIDE AND OUTSIDE! If you ask me, they're trying to disguise the Christmas tree forest.

2) Ther are Elf workshops a plenty
So...In the Christmas markets there are many booths. In most of the booths they sell toys and or homemade things, most of which are similar....looks like the work of elves to me.

3) Christmas Music coming out of everywhere
Some of the Christmas trees SING! YES THEY DO! I was walking through Jiriho z Podebrad and I heard music...I THOUGHT it was coming from an open flat was coming out of the tree.

4) Santa's Castle is at the top of the city
If you have seen the movie, you will notice that Santa's castle is the first on the left...up above the city. If you are coming into oldtown you will notice that the Prague Castle is the first castle on the left. Also, you can't go inside all of the rooms inside the castle, why? Because that is where Santa and the Elves live.

Now you know. I'm sorry if this has spoiled your Chrismtas. :-)

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

October/November Update

Dobrý Den, z Česká Republika!
Translation: Hello from the Czech Republic!

Thanks for becoming part of my support team! It’s time for another update!

My Schools:
Things at both GMH and GR continue to go well. The longer I am at both schools, the more I am coming to enjoy my job at both schools. I’m getting to know the other teachers at both places much more. I no longer feel like the “new person” at school, I’m just one of the staff! On the same note, I feel that I am starting to build genuine friendships with some of my students. I am not longer “the weird American teacher,” according to my students, I am the “real person” teacher …whatever that means.

My Ministry:
After speaking to my students and praying, I have joined forces with some of the other ESI teachers in Prague. We are now running two types of English clubs: an English conversation club (called Café Coze) and an English movie club (called Kava/Kino). Only two of my students have visited sofar, but I have a feeling it will take some time.

Regarding the two groups that God has presented me with, I have chosen to work with Youth Praha for a few reasons. The first being that the two Christian girls at Radotin go there and the second being that I feel like God has in a way, dropped Youth Praha in my lap through my church needing more help. It was like God was screaming “THIS IS IT!”

Youth Praha is a youth group is majorly focused on investing in missionary kids in Prague, but has brought in a fair number of Czechs. My vision working with Youth Praha is to invest in the kids that are there as well as invest in and invite students that would be interested in practicing their English with an entire room of English speakers. They can come and play games, sing songs and engage in dialogues about what they believe…and maybe even meet Jesus!!

My Spiritual Life:
Things at the International Church of Prague (ICP) are continuing to go well. I am also continuing to love the bible study through my church.

On another note, there is one thing that I have really been struggling with:
One night when I was taking the tram home from Youth Praha and a man slowly stepped onto the tram COVERED in blood. He had four HUGE gashes in his head, like he had been beaten with a pipe, bottle or something else. I started to cry instantly and since I don’t speak Czech, I didn’t know what to do nor could I really do anything. It seemed as if nobody had noticed because nobody reacted or tried to help him.
After seeing this I was quite upset for about a week, constantly thinking: “Why does God let things happen?” “Why wasn’t anyone helping him?” “How angry would someone to be do do that to another person.” The only conclusion that I have been able to come to in all of this is the realization of how much evil truly exists in the city I live in. Please pray against the evil one’s efforts here.

My Support:
A HUGE thank you to everyone who have been praying for me, to those of you who have signed up for monthly deductions and given special one-time gifts. As of right now, God has raised $7495.50!!! AWESOME!!! However, I still need to raise $4504.50 in order to reach my full budget of $12,000 before the end of February.
As you can see, I still need your help. To join my support team or add to my support please visit the TeachOverseas website: and click on the contribute link under the “about us” section. You can give using a credit card, paypal or sign up for monthly contributions. In the “contribute” section choose “teacher or staff member” and enter my name.

My Prayer Requests:

- Praise God that I am feeling at home in Prague and also at ICP.
- Praise God that I am building deeper relationships with the women in my bible
- Praise God that things at Youth Praha are going well
- Please pray that I will receive guidance in continuing to serve my students well
- Please pray that I can continue to build relationships with my students both at
school and English Club
- Please pray that God will provide me with more support both in prayer and funding
- Please pray that I will build deep relationships with the kids at Youth Praha
- Please pray for the man on the tram and the other evils in Prague

Thank you so much for all of your support!!